Importing Large Data Sets
We welcome very large spreadsheets of data for import into Odonata Central BUT these require prior approval by John Abbott.

Follow these steps:
Step 1: Make sure you have all required variables. Download the template using the button below. This spreadsheet has columns for each variable accepted by Odonata Central. Optional columns are colored green, all others are required. The second row contains information about the required data formats. Don't fill in the template yet, but be sure you can provide all required data in the required format. We can help with converting data formats if necessary.
Step 2: Before attempting to fill in the template, contact John Abbott about your data. All data sets imported into Odonata Central require prior approval from John Abbott. Please describe your data set in an email to John.
Step 3: After receiving approval from John Abbott, copy and paste your data into the spreadsheet template.
Step 4: Make a zip file containing the xlsx file with your data and any photos you are submitting. See below for instructions for making a zip file if you need them.
Step 5: Using the link provided by John, navigate to the Data Validation page. On this page you will submit your spreadsheet for data validation as a zip file. If there are invalid entries in your spreadsheet, you will be given a line-by-line list of the errors. You need to fix these errors or, if the errors cannot be fixed, delete the line from the spreadsheet. Resubmit until there are no invalid entries.
Step 6: Once your spreadsheet is validated, it is submitted it for consideration for upload. John will do a final review of the spreadsheet you are submitting to be sure it meets the standards for inclusion in Odonata Central. If it does, he will add it to our database.