Video Tutorials

Multiple Language Support: To watch these videos with subtitles in a different language, turn on subtitles by clicking the CC icon in the lower right corner of the video. Next, click the setting icon (gear icon) next to it. Select Subtitles and then select Auto-translate. Finally, select your preferred language.
Introduction to Using Odonata Central
These videos are primarily intended for new users or users that are making the transition from the old site to the new site. Each is about 12 minutes long.
Introduction to Odonata Central Part 1 Browsing, mapping and species lists.
Introduction to Odonata Central Part 2 Entering observations.
Introduction to Odonata Central Part 3 Importing observations from iNaturalist.
The Odonata Central Phone App
A 10 minute video that gives you an overview of how to use the Odonata Central phone app.
Introduction to the Odonata Central Phone App
For Vetters Only
These videos explain functions only available to vetters.
Introduction to Vetting Records on Odonata Central Step by step guide to vetting records.
Special Filter Functions for Vetters Some special tasks for vetters using filters.